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Most significant SNPs GWAS SNP P-value file
P-value -> -log10(P-value) false Population
LD CutOff : Distance kb
Rule of mapping SNPs to genes FDR cutoff for PBA
Pathway/Gene Set size(min) Pathway/Gene Set size(max)
Pathway/Gene Set


Candidate causal SNPs

Candidate causal SNP Functional class Gene Candidate causal pathwaya -log10(P)b In LD with r2 D' -log10(P)c
a The number indicates the index of pathways, which are ranked by their statistical significance (FDR).
b -log10(P) for candidate causal SNP in original GWAS. '-' denotes that this SNP is not represented in the original GWAS.
c -log10(P) for the SNP (which candidate causal SNP is in LD with) in original GWAS.

Candidate causal pathways

Index  Candidate causal pathway Description Nominal P FDR

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